Nutrition and Forage Production Division

The Nutrition and Forage Production Division (NFPD) conducts researches on the dietary needs of dairy animals. It is responsible for studies on improving pasture for forage production, dairy nutrition, feeds and feeding systems, pasture production, forage preservation and utilization. It works closely with the DPBPD and the Dairy Farm through collaborative research and in ensuring the provision of quality feeds for the dairy herd. Moreover, the NFPD produces feeds such as silage and hay for DTRI dairy animals and for sharing.

Core Functions

  1. Conduct researches on dairy nutrition and feeding management; forage/pasture production, conservation, and utilization
  2. Provide technical services in the conduct of DTRI training courses;
  3. Provide technical assistance for other extension services like techno-demo, visitors’ program and exhibit displays;
  4. Provide technical assistance to instruction functions of IAS & other UPLB units;
  5. Provide information services to different clients i.e. farmers, students, researchers and general public;
  6. Facilitate the use of the dairy nutrition and forage laboratories by graduate and undergraduate students during the conduct of thesis; and
  7. Maintain the DTRI feed production facility i.e. pastures, forage demo-plots /genebank, silos, and provide planting materials of forages to requesting farmers, cooperatives, students, researchers and private individuals.

RDE Projects

  1. Agronomic Performance and Feeding Value of Mulato II and Mombasa Grasses in Dairy Cattle. October 1, 2016 to April 30, 2019. Source of Fund: PCAARRD- DOST (Abstract)
  2. Philippine Local Forages as Sustainable Feed Alternative for Dairy Cattle. September 1, 2016 to January 31, 2018. Source of Fund: USAID STRIDE & RTI (Conclusions)
  1. Project 3. Development of Farm-Specific Precision Feeding System and Forage Production Protocols for Increased Productivity and Profitability of Dairy Farms. Program: Assisted Reproduction, Nutrition and Health Interventions for Enhanced Dairy Cattle Productivity and Milk Safety, December 1, 2018 to November 30, 2021. Source of Fund: PCAARRD- DOST


  1. Calibration and Optimization of Near–Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Nutrient Content Determination of Feedstuffs: A Tool for Reduced Feed Analyses Cost for Small-Hold Farmers and Government Research/Regulatory Institutions, August 15, 2019 to February 14, 2022. Source of Fund: DA-BAR


  1. Feed Resources Development and Quality Management Program at DTRI for Instruction, Research, Extension and Income Generation. 2018 – to date (continuing). Source of Fund: DTRI Core


  • Project 1. Pasture Production and Maintenance – 2018 – to date (continuing). Source of Fund: DTRI Core


  • Project 2. Forage preservation strategies for quality consistent feeding system – 2018 – to date (continuing). Source of Fund: DTRI Core


  • Project 3. High impact pasture RDE for sustainable feed production and management – 2018 – to date (continuing). Source of Fund: DTRI Core


  1. Forage Demonstration Plots for Instruction, Research and Extension

Dietary Interventions for Improved Embryo and Oocyte Recoveries from Dairy Cattle Donors in the Philippines, April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. Source of Fund: PCAARRD-DOST

Here to assist you...

Andy - Division Head
Philip - Field Supervisor
Pol - Fencing Technician
Lino - Fencing Leadman
Nick - Forage Man
Jerome - Forage Technician
Josie - Laboratory In-charge
Joel - Pasture Man
Jun - Animal Caretaker
Erick - Tractor Chief
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
Andy L.
Jerome C.
Forage Technician
"Work for the Lord and not for men."
Josie O.
Laboratory In-charge
Philip A.
Field Supervisor
Pol M.
Fencing Technician
Lino V.
Fencing Leadman
Nick M.
Forage Man
Jun G.
Animal Caretaker
Joel P.
Pasture Man
Erick V.
Tractor Chief