Our Mandate
Assist in the development of the local dairy industry through research, instruction and extension.
Vision & Mission

The vision and mission of the Dairy Training and Research Institute is aligned with the Presidential Decree No. 58, the University of the Philippines Charter (RA 9500) and the vision and mission of the College of Agriculture and Food Science, UPLB.

University of the Philippines

“As the national university, a public and secular institution of higher learning, and a community of scholars dedicated to the search for truth and knowledge as well as the development of future leaders, the University of the Philippines shall perform its unique and distinctive leadership in higher education and development.”

College of Agriculture and Food Science
Vision & Mission

“A premier institution of higher learning in agriculture and food sciences promoting the development of a robust agriculture sector and industry that meets the challenges of food security and safety, poverty, climate change and environmental sustainability.”

“As the premier institution in agriculture and food sciences, the College of Agriculture and Food Science is committed to the development and implementation of relevant programs in education, research, extension, policy-making/advocacy and nation-building.”