DTRI, UPLB – With the aim to have a fast, effective, and inexpensive feed analysis system, the project “Calibration and Optimization of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Nutrient Content Determination of Feedstuffs: A Tool for Reduced Feed Analyses Cost for Small-Hold Farmers and Government Research/Regulatory Institutions” was launched last September 3, 2019 at the Dairy Training and Research Institute (DTRI) Auditorium.. The project, funded by the Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) is a collaboration of DTRI-UPLB, DA Regional Feed Laboratories, state universities, and other stakeholders that would benefit from the project. This project is just among the various projects being launched and conducted by DTRI in gearing towards modernization and collaborative dairy science research.
Those present in the project launch were Dr. Elpidio M. Agbisit J. (Dean, College of Agriculture and Food Science); Dr. Amado A. Angeles (Director, DTRI) and project staff; DA-BAR representatives: Marnelie Gadong-Subong, Jay Bermas, Rhea Desalesa, and Ian Panaga; and the UPLB Accounting Office represented by Joan Mendoza, Rhodora Violanta, and Ellen Asegurado.
The results of the research project will enable feed manufacturers and users decide on what feed and feed ingredients they will use for their animals. This will also pave the way for farmers to afford services on identifying nutrient composition of their raw materials and complete feeds. Lastly, the study results will also benefit the different DA laboratories in the Philippines.